Improving Cloud Security Controls Before a SOC 2 Audit

With cloud service providers (CSPs) increasingly integrated into companies’ day–to–day operations, security is crucial for your organization’s success.

A SOC 2 Attestation provides assurance to customers and prospects that you are following current security practices through an objective, third–party evaluation
of your compliance with the SOC 2 criteria.

Download our white paper, “Improving Cloud Security Controls Before a SOC 2 Audit,” to learn simple ways to improve your cloud security. The paper outlines:

  • The Shared Responsibility Model, including key questions to ask CSPs
    and common cloud threats.
  • Key controls reviewed during a SOC 2 audit, including logical access,
    data protection, monitoring, and endpoint and application security.
  • What a SOC 2 audit includes, and how a SOC 2 readiness platform can
    help you prepare.